Week 2 - BALT 4396 - AI Changing the Workplace

  AI is constantly changing and evolving in the workforce. This can possibly be a good and bad thing all around for the workforce. On the good side, AI will create more efficient and easier processes that will help companies since they will be able to automate them and free up employees to do more complex jobs AI would not be able to take care of. On the bad side, AI is estimated to take over 85 million jobs by 2025 since many jobs would be able to be automated eliminating the need for human workers (Talmage-Rostron, 2024). 

Obviously nobody can predict the future and we can only make assumptions of the future. I will be very interesting to see how AI will be implemented into jobs, how companies will conduct themselves when AI comes to the table, and how they will handle their employees. AI has the possibility to take over many jobs, but it will also have the chance to create many jobs for others.

Talmage-Rostron, M. (2024, January 12). How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect Jobs 2024-2030. Nexford University. https://www.nexford.edu/insights/how-will-ai-affect-jobs


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